How to clean your car

Everyone uses their car for various tasks like when you go to the office and go for a trip, hang out or anything you want to do outside, then you need to use your car. The car makes someone’s journey awesome. But when your car is dust, you may feel hesitate with. The dirty car may be the main reason of getting irritated. If you are troubled with dirt, then read the whole post. You may find some effective tips to get rid of getting your car dust.




Wash Your Car With Suds

You can remove dust from your car easily by washing. You need two buckets to wash your car properly. First, you have to take soapy water or suds in one of your buckets, in the second bucket, you need to take clean water. Then find out damp cloth. Use suds on your car and polish it with a damp cloth. Do it carefully and make sure there will no dust remain. After doing polish with a damp cloth, start cleaning suds from your car with clean water. Yes, your job is done now. There is a big problem to clean a car in this way, that is you can not clean inside your car by this way.


Use Vacuum Cleaner to Clean your car

Using vacuum cleaner is the best way to clean a car. You can clean your car both of the inside and outside with vacuum cleaners. And it is a super easy task to clean a car using the vacuum cleaner. You just need the best vacuum for the car to clean your car, super easily and effectively. Make sure the vacuum is good in suction. If the vacuum is not good in suction, then you cannot clean your car properly, because the vacuum will suck all of the dust from your car. The best way to clean inside a car is vacuuming with vacuum cleaners. You never can clean your car properly inside except vacuum cleaners. Also, you can wash your car outside with suds and clean inside with vacuum cleaners. To get guides and reviews about vacuum cleaners, just check the Best Shark Vacuum.




There are many other ways to clean a car, you don’t need to follow thousands of. If you apply those two methods I have written above, it will be more than enough for sure. If you are looking for thousands of solution, you cannot decide which is the best method to clean a car. And those two methods are super easy to clean a car.

5 Common Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

To have a beautiful and enchanting place we do clean our house. There are many benefits of having a clean house. If we clean our house we will get a less stressful and aesthetically pleasing home. We can get good health and hygiene by cleaning our living place. To make the home and surroundings safer for family member, children and for our materials, there is no alternative except cleaning home.

A young woman with cleaning equipment ready to clean – on white.

But the thing is that we do common mistake every time when we clean our house. Not only you, I also do these mistakes. Sometime we don’t care or concentrate on cleaning home. As a result we make some mistakes when we clean our home. So I will discuss here about the common mistakes that we do and we should to avoid.


  1. Spraying cleaner directly on a surface.

It is a common mistake that we all do when we are trying to clean something by spraying cleaner directly on a surface then we wipe away the solution. Since this is not always the most effective or safest way to clean such as for electronics. We should avoid this.

  1. Not following instructions

 Generally we don’t read the levels or the instruction of the solution or cleaner before using. We all think we know the products how it works as we have been cleaning for a long time. Some cleaner take some time or some cleaner works in a short time. even some cleaner can be harmful for particular surfaces.  So we should follow the instruction before using cleaner not to ruin surfaces or appliances.

  1. Thinking every cleaner is a disinfectant.

 Thinking all cleaner is a disinfectant. All cleaning solutions are not created equal. Some particular areas of the house, like the bathtubs, kitchen sink, countertops and door handles need an effective disinfectant cleaner to kill germs.  So we should choose the right cleaner.

  1. Avoiding the difficult deep cleaning.

Most of the time, we don’t clean toughest surfaces of our home. The kitchen and bathrooms are the mostly tightest place to clean. For cleaning this kind of place, you can take help like calling cleaning service company. Though it is hard to clean tight places, we need to clean them it within a certain time.

  1. Using too much cleaning product.

Using too much cleaning product is another mistake that we do. We use any cleaner that we get in hand. There are many products in market but we should select a product by judging its working effectiveness and real result. We should continuously use same solution for the same thing. We should also consider that some solution can be harmful for particular things. So we need to have such solution that suits the surfaces or things.


To clean your home perfectly and to do deep clean, you need to avoid the mistakes that you shouldn’t do. You can buy Best Shark Vacuum cleaner for cleaning your home. It has all those features that will clean your home properly. You should also avoid the cleaning mistakes.

How to clean floors – Tips and tricks

Everyone wants to make their floors, gorgeous and good looking for their home. Probably you are not out of those people. Maybe your floor is made of wood, ceramic tile, hardwood, laminate or vinyl. Whatever you use to make floor, your floor will get dirty. So now, are you looking for tips that how to clean your floor? Best tips for you below.


house cleaning tips
Cleaning floor using vacuum cleaner


*Put Away Shoes: Always try to keep your floor safe from dirty of shoes. Your floor may get dirty by shoes. Better if you use the board or basket to put your shoes. So that you can keep your floor clean.


*Keep out the rain and water: If your floor is made ofwood or hardwood. Then always keep out rain from your floor. Water can ruin your floor. Water can be the cause of stains on your floor. Otherwise water can make your floor fuzzy. So, when it rains, then keep your doors and windows closed so that water cannot come to your floor. This tip is highly recommended for wood and hardwood floor.


* Use Vinegar: Using vinegar is highly recommended for tile floor, good if avoid for hardwood floor. Mix vinegar, ammonia, borax and water properly. First, take a bucket and put 1 gallon warm water in that. Take ½ cup of white vinegar, ¼ cup of borax and ½ ammonia and mix with the water in the bucket. Now take a damp cloth or towel and get that damp cloth wet and start cleaning your floor.


* Use Mop with Dish Soap: Mopping with dish soap will be a great solution to clean your floor. Take a bucket with water and use some dish soap. Mix water and dish soap in the bucket. Now pick a mop and insert into the mixed water. Start your floor cleaning with the mop.


*Remove Soapy Solution: After cleaning, floor by using vinegar and dish soap, there will be a soapy coloring. Remove the soapy coloring with fresh and dry cloth. It’ll look cleaner than before and gorgeous.

* Vacuum Floor Once a Week: The most easy and effective way to clean floor is vacuuming. Maybe all of you guys already used vacuum for cleaning. But you should do it once in every week. You can vacuum the floor in every Sunday. It may take up to 30 minutes to clean your floor and you can complete the task so easily. If you apply a vacuum cleaner for cleaning, it’ll be more effective than other ways. You should choose the best vacuum cleaners  to vacuum your floor.


Final Words

All of above you have seen few tips for clean floors. Among those all the tips using a vacuum cleaner is the best procedure to clean floors. Using vacuum cleaner is really very easy and effective. It’ll save your time too. So, our recommendation is using vacuum cleaners for clean all types of floors. Such as wood floors, laminate floors, tile floors, hardwood floors and vinyl floors.